Me Me Me Me Me Me

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Let Your Inner Beauty Shine Bright


One way of living with passion is to let your inner beauty shine!

Here are some ways to let your inner beauty shine:

- Embrace your imperfections and differences 
- Be your one true self
-Let go of the negative feelings and emotions and  radiate happiness 

When I was first diagnosed with my HD, I felt different and imperfect but when I started my blog, I quickly realized that people are inspired by imperfections and differences and began to embrace them! It's important for me to be my one true self because I inspire and empower others when I am my one true self! Every day I fight of fear, anxieties, and frustrations because it's important for me to radiate happiness, I truly let my inner beauty shine bright and I am encouragingl, empowering, and inspiring you to do the same thing and truly let your inner beauty shine bright!

If you are some one who has been inspired by me and my HD Journey, here are ways to support my Living With Passion a Creative Business; by purchasing my memoir in Kindle and   paperback versions, enroll in my E Course, purchase my mixed media canvases and my water color paintings on my Facebook Page  or my Instagram, or sign up for my email consults by emailing me!

I appreciate all of your support and love on my HD journey,