Me Me Me Me Me Me

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Really Great Days

Good morning ,
This morning I am going to share about some really great days. 

My  physical symptoms (body movements, balance issues trouble walking)  have been really great ever since I eliminated caffeine.  It has made a world  of a difference.  I do still drink my iced coffee, I just drink decaf coffee. 

So since I have been feeling so great I have been staying busy between pool days, beach days, and cottage days with my family. 

On Sunday I took a  ride to my Aunt and Uncle's cottage with my Nana and Papa. My Nana, Auntie Carol and I walked over to the beach. It  was a perfect day at the cottage.

On Tuesday I went to the beach with my cousin Melissa, her two friends, and all their kids. It was the most beautiful beach day I have ever had - the weather was PERFECT and the water felt great! I got to play with all the babies at the beach :) We did not want to leave -  we spent  7 hours there. 

When I got home on Tuesday my cousin James and his wife,Katie and Francesca, my niece, were at my house visiting my Nana and Papa.  So I got to play with my niece on the swing.

I LOVE LOVE when my day's are filled with babies! 

and I LOVE LOVE  when I have so many perfect days in a row, it keeps me going!!!!

and I LOVE LOVE that I have so many people that are willing to take me so many places :)

Thanks for reading,


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